Book Review: Fourth Wing

Book Review: Fourth Wing

In case you were wondering, there is actually not that much sex in Rebecca Yarro’s Fourth Wing, besides Violet’s frequent internal diatribe about how attracted she is to one of the other characters and the frat-boy conversations between the characters. But the sex scenes that are there are lengthy and extremely graphic, down to the …

Keeping my cool

Keeping my cool

Bonnie watercoloring on Pearl Street in Camden. I’ve been teaching a plein air workshop this week, and the air is unusually hot and heavy for Maine. Being a lifelong resident of the northeast, I don’t like heat and humidity. In addition, I promised my students from Virginia that it would be cool here, and Mother …

What to wear to an art show

What to wear to an art show

Prom Shoes 1, 6X8, oil on archival canvasboard, $435. I own one skirt and one dress, but I must combine painting and public events over the next ten days. I Googled what to wear to an art show to give myself ideas. The consensus was: Men should wear a blazer or sport coat, dress shirt, …

Best Books Lists: Independence Day

Best Books Lists: Independence Day

I consider the Fourth of July as a second-tier holiday, as far as the depth and breadth of the festivities go for me. For the past few years I have been in Syracuse, NY with my husband’s sisters and parents and their families, donning starred and striped socks and painting the bursted-bomb air with sparklers, …